mom friendly career

i often find encouragement and wisdom from mom blogs, usually mom/medicine blogs. the question of whether or not being a doctor is a “mom friendly” resurfaces often both by those currently in the profession and others aspiring to. as i fall into the latter category, i don’t have experience doctoring and mothering from which to draw on when answering that question for myself.

however, i do have experience working as a mom. this christmas eve i spent 12 hours as a unit clerk for a hospital. it’s a fantastic job as far as flexibility and physical demand, both of which were important while i was pregnant and the flexibility remains key. that said, it pays $11.87 (after a recent raise) and is not fulfilling in any sense of the word.

so to the question of whether a physician makes a good career for mothers: what are you comparing it to? because when i compare it to the uncertainty i faced as an unemployed pregnant woman, it makes a damn good career. when i compare it to the soul-killing work as a secretary, it makes a damn good career.

i don’t anticipate life as a physician to be anything less than demanding but i would rather make $150 an hour than $15 an hour if i have to work christmas eve either way. i would rather find my career fulfilling in a way that makes a happier mother/wife when i am home. i would rather be an example to my children that women make excellent leaders and following dreams are worth risk and work.

like i said, i am years away from first-hand experience of mothering while doctoring but it is looking like an excellent career for this mom.

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